Saturday, November 30, 2019
Marge Piecys Barbie Doll Essays - Barbie Doll,
Marge Piecy's "Barbie Doll" Gender Identity in Piercy's "Barbie Doll" Dolls often give children their first lessons in what a society considers valuable and beautiful. These dolls often reveal the unremitting pressure to be young, slim, and beautiful in a society which values mainly aesthetics. Marge Piercy's "Barbie Doll" exhibits how a girl's childhood is saturated with gender-defined roles and preconceived norms for how one should behave. In order to convey her thoughts, the author uses familiar, yet ironic, imagery, as well as uses fluctuating tone in each stanza to better draw attention to the relevant points of her contention. The first four lines of "Barbie Doll" are written in a trite, simplistic tone which represent the normality and basic needs of infancy. It is at this point in one's life that a child has no ability to deviate from the norm, simply because they have no knowledge of it and are completely influenced by what their parents present them with. The presentation of a doll and an oven, along with lipstick (1-3), ensure that the girl will know exactly which gender role she must be. These lines imitate the rigidity in which sexual and gender roles are defined. The tone of the introductory stanza changes abruptly in line five when the speaker relates "Then, in the magic of puberty, a classmate said/ You have a great big nose and fat legs." What is particularly ironic is that puberty is referred to as a "magic" time, when really it is a time for emotional crisis within many children as they struggle to develop their autonomy. This line is directed in a candid fashion which digresses from the mildness of the first few lines, rendering it quite more effective than simplistic speech. The second stanza of "Barbie Doll" starts off as normal as the first, but easily strays into different meaning. While "She was healthy, tested intelligent" (7) connotes positive aspects of the girl, "possessed strong arms and back/ abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity" connotes an entirely divergent idea. Gender roles always defined the man as"strong" and the woman as "weak," the man as "skillful with his hands" and the woman as "skillful with a cookie tin," and finally, the man as the "sexual aggressor" while the woman was the "submissive help-mate." In lines eight and nine, the girl is identified by the characteristics typically associated with the male gender, something quite unusual and completely opposite that of what line seven implies. "She went to and fro apologizing" (10) conveys that the girl recognizes her traits as disparaging and dishonorable. The last line of the second stanza again changes in tone from simple to forthright with the statement "Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs"(11). This line re-emphasizes the ugliness of not measuring up to the standard of an ideal female, a standard set by society. Piercy addresses the stereotypical manners that women are pressured to perform in the third stanza when she writes "She was advised to play coy/exhorted to come on hearty/exercise, diet, smile, and wheedle"(12-14). By advising the girl to act enthusiastic in response to a man, starve herself to be thin, fake emotions, and influence men with soft words and flattery, the author makes a general statement about how women were practically forced to be something whether or not they wanted to. The words "coy" and "smile" conjure up images of a false passivity that women must endure, images that help to shape the poem by providing a better view of what the subject experienced. Line fifteen contains a reference to a fan belt, an object that, similarly to a person's "good nature," will wear out from use and abuse. The change in tone is repeated once again as the author switches from mild lines about personality to a dramatic line in which an analogy is made to represent an internal change in the character's mentality. With the beginning of the last stanza of "Barbie Doll," the reader can achieve almost a sense of relinquishment as the subject symbolically "...cut off her nose and her legs/ and offered them up." The reader is led to believe that the girl has come to a realization that she must account for the loneliness and emptiness that she has felt as a result of imitating a false person. This culmination is her death, an act of her surrendering herself to the pain. With line twenty's mention of an "...undertaker's cosmetics painted on," the author paints an image of concealment--the concealment of hurt and anguish suffered when a girl
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Fashion Identity Essay Example
Fashion Identity Essay Example Fashion Identity Essay Fashion Identity Essay Essay Topic: Push Precious Fashion (is) a key resource through which individuals in late modernity construct their identities and position themselves in relation to others. Bennett, A. ( 2005). Culture and Everyday Life. London Sage. P. 115. Discuss this statement with reference to individual examples. This essay will explore the importance of fashion, and how style is used to construct identities of individuals in particular those who followed the New Romantic movement of the late Seventies through to the early Eighties A movement of posers, who cared for dressing up in their flamboyant finery, experimenting with gender stereotype and being as unique as possible at the start of a new, emerging London nightlife with the pioneering music of the time. It will discuss how subcultures and style-tribes position themselves with in society, using topical theories from academics such as Joanne Entitles and Ted Blasphemous Identity, in social science, is described as an individuals conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations, taking into account their characteristics, attitudes and so on. It is a label to the individual, either given by another party or by he individual itself and more often than not also consists of using stereotypes to pin these labels to each individual. Subculture is a ways of breaking down the mass culture of society into smaller pockets, usually of the youth group. Again, much relying on stereotypes, these gangs or groups are broken down by their overall look as an obvious factor but also other areas which bind them together such as the music they listen to, activities they undertake and their behaviors. : How this is done is all together tribe like and are usually, via the media, feared or mocked. The urge to arm tribes is part of being human, and should be celebrated for the strength it gives. We want to belong to something and ideally feel smarter, cooler or more dangerous than the rest of the public. (Robinson, 2012) so not only does society get sorted into tribes by the media but society splits itself up. From the Teddy Boys of the fifties and Moods and Rockers of the Sixties, each of these style-tribes has lived to show a definite style of its decade and sent out messages of how society was back then and shows a new youth wanting to belong The New Romantic movement, is en as a direct response to the over commercialese Punk movement, which had become a parody of itself, an anti-establishment uniform, attracting hordes of dickheads (Dodd, 1995). The new trend-setting posers who held a greater interest in dressing up and partying rather than causing anarchy to society. This new vogue rejected Punks austerity and anti- fashion ideologies although keeping a grip on the styles original use of counter-sexual clothing and strong use of cosmetic make-up, the result a glamorous, flamboyant yet androgynous style-tribe of gender benders, typified by characters such as Boy George and Marilyn. Every ages uses dress and body decoration to signal what is most important at that historical moment. Throughout most of our history that message has been I am rich, or I a powerful. If today more and more people use their dress style to assert I am authentic, (Polishes 2010) Style of dress was aesthetic and visually striking, with inspiration was a violent mix-up taken from clowns, Hollywood startles of the sass, Bonny Prince Charlie, highwaymen to Russian constructivism. The idea was to be as individual, authentic and creative as possible. The movement substituting the elegant for the slovenly, the precious for the vulgar, Dressing Up for Dressing Down. (Polishes 2010), they dressed as if their life depended on it. The movement was set to a soundtrack of an emerging new sound of electronic, synthesized pop. Free from the political, anarchy messages of bands who were associated with the Punk movement such as The Sex Pistols and making room for Duran Duran, Visage and Spanned Ballet who openly acknowledged that the look was as important as the sound, individuals in contemporary construct and play out identities in the course of everyday lives, fashion plays a central role. Bennett, 2005). Against a backdrop of riots and unemployment, this new sound, dressing up and being part of a growing London night life, was a way to glamorous their glum, horrible boring existence with no future. Egan). Subcultures or style-tribes have flourished at precisely the time in history when individuality and personal freedom have come to be seen as the defining features of our age (Polishes 2010). The New Romantics not Just celebrated being individual and different but used every opportunity to showcase what set them apart from others, from the hangouts and haunts of this tribe to how and when they did heir s ocializing and partying, was all to keep them elite from the rest of society. This flamboyant flock took to the clubs on a Tuesday night, ruling out any chance of their fun being ruined by the City Nine to Five Set, or the average normality. Before its closure in 1978, SOHO Lesbian club, Louise was the place to be seen for this group of Romantic posers. Once closed, the fabulously overdressed moved on to smaller clubs in London Soho, such as Gossips and Billys, before being re-homed to the legendary Blitz club in Covent Garden, giving the first media name to this tribe, Blitz Kids. Although these later clubs were not labeled as gay, the emphasis freedom of expression and individualism drew in an alternative gay youth culture. The original Blitz Kids icons, Boy George, Marilyn and Steve Strange, made no secret of their homosexuality and paved the way for a style for the movement which encouraged men to become gender playful wearing skirts, dresses and mixing elements of both male and female dress. Encouraging a wave of young gay men to follow suit, and to celebrate their difference and homosexuality identity. The Culture Club frontal George Dodd, better known as Boy George, epitomized the look and pushed its boundaries. Known for his rawboned plaits, over-done Geisha like make up, smocks and matching trousers, he shocked with these creations and his mix of ethnic, cultural looks and due to taking these extremities was ladled a transvestite and cross-dresser I dress in a similar way to a priest or archbishop. I wear robes, not dresses, and to be a transvestite you must wear womens clothes. I dont. Im not fighting an oppressed need to be a woman. Im proud to be a man. Dodd 1984) It is important to remember that it is the society in which we live, which dictates and ivies structure to gender what is masculine, what is feminine and what each of the genders should wear. Boy George stated his smocks and skirted tops as catholic camp and have been described as similar garments to that of the shallow kamikaze, which is traditional adornment of both men and women in Pakistan and Northern India. Research shows that age an d geographical location make strong links to the publics aspirations responses(Gill et al. 000), which may explain why the young men of eighties London were more willing to experiment with gender bending, or confusing gender signals given through clothing, make-up and overall appearance. Within bigger cities, people are more anonymous, therefore clothing and appearance are said to be of greater importance as they give clues to other city dwellers as to characteristics and interests. Although the New Romantic movement was popular with both men and woman who both experimented with their appearance, both gender bended and adopted the androgynous look it only appears to be the men who are remembered. As stated by Microbes and Gerber, very little seems to have been written about the role of girls they are absent from the classic subcultures ethnographic studies, the pop histories, the personal accounts and the Journalistic rivers. (2005), in regards to this style-tribe it may be that these men sporting a full face of make-up, ballet pumps, frills and lace gave more shocking imagery than the women. Androgyny had already been played with in the sixties Hippy movement, through men growing long hair but it had never been never been experiments with the full throttle of the New Romantics. Even in todays age, the public would be more likely to give a second look at a man on the street wearing lipstick than a female with a short haircut. This group of posers were the first youth of an age driven by the Edie, the children of the television age wise in the ways of the popular media, and they set out to subvert the realms the young know best music and fashion. Monsoons 2009). The media, much like most of the clubs and fashion stores were run on the masses by people so out of reach with the wants of the youth. Then in 1980, The Face magazine was launched, showcasing the latest London stressful and what was happening in the new, hip clubs. From this more magazine publications such as I-D were produced, more the fashions of the London street were beamed length and breath across the country. Many of the New Romantics found fame through music and took over the I-J and American charts, bringing the storyteller more and more into the media spot light, this is when the label New Romantics was coined up, as the look was taken out of the Blitz Club of London and being copied by the youth in other town and cities. This growing media spotlight and new found fame of the icons caused the downfall of the New Romantics Fashionably depends upon distinction or differentiation which, once copied universally, is neglected. A trend setting group whose identity depends upon being hip will therefore move on to adopt another style. (Intensities, 2000) Their flair and looks were being copied by the masses, young girls took to small plaits and ribbons in their hair and imitated the look of Boy George. The ability to look and be unique became harder and harder and in the space of a few years it was the death of this movement. In conclusion, fashion is a important and very key resource which is used to construct identity with great ease In everyday speech We speak of body that is subject to the clothes that literally en-clothe it with significance. (Gill, 1998). However there are other resources which can both be controlled and uncontrolled to help and aid in these constructions of identity. Closely linked with fashion is obviously the music in which individuals listen to, they both interlink and influence the other. The subculture and activities in which individuals wish to partake in also helps to in this building up. The media is a great factor which also must be considered media effects society way of life and thinking if the media portray a negative image of a style-tribe or an identity then this is how the public will view the individuals. To construct a chosen identity all these
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Top Tips for NaNoWriMo Blog
5 Top Tips for NaNoWriMo Blog 5 Top Tips for NaNoWriMo It’s November! And for aspiring authors, that means one thing: National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short). The aim is to write a novel at least 50,000 words long in thirty days. And while that might sound ambitious, we have a few tips to help you get there. 1. Sign Up at the NaNoWriMo Website The official NaNoWriMo website provides lots of resources for writers. It also has a system where you can earn badges and track your progress, offering handy targets to keep you motivated. So before you begin writing, sign up and take a look at the tools available. 2. Write Every Day (And Plan for When You Don’t) You have thirty days to write 50,000 words, which works out at roughly 1,666 words per day. This is easily achievable if you put aside time each day to do a bit of writing. Don’t worry if you miss a day, though. The solution is to schedule â€Å"catch up†days when you know you’ll have more time to spare. This will ensure you can make up for days off, or even just boost your word count. Time to get typing!(Image: Kishore D R/YouTube) 3. Connect with Other NaNoWriMo Writers The best thing about NaNoWriMo is that you’re never alone. All around the world, thousands of writers are taking on the same task as you, so why not use this to your advantage? Whether on social media or via the NaNoWriMo forums, you’ll have plenty of chances to discuss the NaNoWriMo experience, as well as sharing tips for hitting that target word count. You can even look for other writers in the same part of the world as you. 4. Take Care of Yourself Just as with The Tortoise and the Hare, slow and steady wins the race when it comes to novel writing. So no matter how jazzed you feel about your novel-in-progress, remember that too many late-night sessions and skipped meals will lead to burnout. The hare stayed up too late writing and cant do anything useful today. Dont be the hare. Instead, make sure to eat healthily, get plenty of rest, and generally take care of yourself.  This will ensure you have enough energy to keep going and hit your target by November 30. 5. Avoid Perfectionism (For Now) It doesn’t matter if what you write isn’t perfect at first. The editing and proofreading comes later. And this is when you can turn your first draft into a polished manuscript ready for publishing. For now, concentrate on getting a first draft finished! Everything else can wait. Summary: 5 Top Tips for NaNoWriMo If you are doing NaNoWriMo this month, keep these tips in mind: Sign up to to access handy tools and resources. Try to set aside a time to write every day (and set aside days when you have more time to write in case you miss a day and need to catch up). Get in touch with other NaNoWriMo writers to share ideas and support. Make sure to eat healthily and get plenty of rest to keep your energy up. Don’t worry if what you write isn’t perfect; you can edit it all later! Good luck! And don’t forget to let us know if you need a proofreader.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Using Popular Culture in the Classroom Dissertation
Using Popular Culture in the Classroom - Dissertation Example The exploration of new techniques and methods is always on the educational horizon. The promise of the future has not eliminated the need for a refinement and validation of existing practices. In fact, modern technologies have allowed for a greater level of access to a variety of media and have increased the capabilities of the average educator. According to Jackie Marsh and Millard 2000, popular culture is a phrase which can be applied to a cultural text which are popular and attractive for majority of children around the globe. Popular culture has a vast variety of material which are attractive for children like bags, games, stationeries, shoes, character toys etc. This not only helps a child to get a better understanding but also encourages an educator to bring in new ideas to motivate young minds. Popular culture is first applied as a test drive but it proved to be an excellent motivational idea. In this era, where technologies and media power has no boundaries has an impact on c hildren. Animations of different strong characters, fairyland and wonderlands have made it easier for children to imagine and fit in a particular character. In early childhood education, it is observed that a child learns whatever is been taught to them, but it becomes easier for them to adapt and practice if popular culture is used while teaching. Use of PSPs , PS2, Nintendo’s and play stations for playing different animated games sharpen their reflexes and their cognitive power. In Early childhood education, Rhymes and songs were introduced to make a child learn colors, shapes and simple concepts while playing, singing and role-plays. Popular culture should be adopted by parents, guardians and educators not only school but also in the outside world, this idea is perceived from a theory of Jackie Marsh 2009 that popular culture should be applied in schools and outside both, which clearly refers to home. Popular Culture is adapted by different practitioners where some of them came up with a different feedback. According to their experience, the change which occurred in a child after the implementation of popular culture in the early education is the glamorization of violence and adds cheapness to the value of education. It encourages a child to praise the material things which blurred the essence of education of being good to every individual regardless of color creed or status.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Health and Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Health and Science - Essay Example of defense mechanism the person tries to repress any such undesirable feeling or thought or memory which causes any kind of mental turmoil to the person or which he wished not to have occurred ever. In this situation the person just wants to cut that portion of life away or just forget the situation. Hysterical amnesia is an example of this mechanism where a person performs or observes certain disturbing incident and then just forgets the incident and its surroundings. Repression is used in negative way when the person indulges in any harmful act and then forgets it. For example the person hurts or kills others at a certain state of mind or when finds others at a certain situation and then as soon as s/he is taken away from the situation or that particular state of mind s/he completely forgets the incident. Reaction formation is the kind of defense mechanism related to the fixation in consciousness of an idea or desire which is opposite to any unconscious fear. In this situation the person experiencing any conflict becomes obsessive with the situation either in positive or in negative manner. The person unconsciously tries to prove that s/he has completely accepted the situation which is opposite to her/his desire and in doing so s/he becomes over protective or solicitous to the situation. This may be expression of her/his internal guilt of not accepting the condition, e.g. an overprotective mother for her unwanted child. The negative reaction can be seen when this obsession affects the life of the child or others in a dangerous manner. Here the mother interferes too much in the life of the child and even hurts the child or anybody else who is trying to behave opposite to her obsession or notion. When a mother hurts the boyfriend of a girl child in order to keep him away from her daugh ter, it can serve as a negative reaction. Denial is the situation when a person consciously refuses to accept any painful incident. In this case the person tries to escape any
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Economical Benifits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay Example for Free
The Economical Benifits of Legalizing Marijuana Essay The Economical Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana has created a hidden market in the United States which accounts for as much as 10% of the American economy, according to a study. Laws punish marijuana cultivation more strictly than murder in some states, but Americans spend more on illegal drugs than on cigarettes. The American economy has been suffering a downturn, while in the shadow economy of the underground world there are high levels of success, mimicking the prohibition period of alcohol, which fueled the illegal markets in the 20s and 30s. No aspect of farming has grown faster in the US over the past three decades than marijuana, with one-third of the public over the age of 12 having used the drug. It is estimated that marijuana is the nation’s largest cash crop, producing $25 billion in revenue. Keeping marijuana illegal looks expensive and is expensive. Did you know that one important reason it was outlawed was because it could be used to make hemp. Hemp is a plant that is a valuable natural resource which has agricultural and industrial uses. Hemp could of been used to make paper, so no more tree chopping. Paper is made from dead trees so a DuPont chemical must be used, but this chemical is not necessary when it is made from hemp. The DuPont Company put pressure on the politicians to outlaw hemp. Marijuana can also be used to make other products such clothing and rope. We can even make marijuana oil which can be used as a renewable fuel. What a powerful economy we could create through the marijuana industry if only, The United States would legalize it. The various levels of American government have in the past, and will spend in the future, billions of dollars on marijuana enforcement alone. The laws against the drug are strict, as there were 724,000 people arrested for marijuana offences in 2001 and about 50,000 went to prison for possession. Commercial growers can serve sentences far longer than those for murder, but the high risks have had little effect on production or availability. When surveyed, 89% of secondary school students indicated that they could easily obtain the drug. We could save our government tons of money in all levels of federal, state and local areas who participate in the â€Å"War on Drugs†, by not using our tax dollars to support the people we jail for using, growing, and selling marijuana. It is extremely expensive to pay for their food, housing, health care, attorney fees, court costs and other incurred expenses. Instead we could be collecting taxes on its revenues and have more money to pay for effective drug education programs and other important causes. The billions of dollars that go to waste fighting the war against an inevitable activity is much less detrimental to our society then the war itself. With careful regulation of the drug, it could be beneficial to our society, with minimal risks accompanying the use and more economic advantages. Some such advantages would be creating a workforce. Farm lands would be needed as well as the laborers needed to help grow and distribute the plant. Pharmaceutical companies would then distribute the plant to pharmacies like Rite Aid or Walgreens and these places are going to need an extra helping hand too. The needed expertise of Marijuana would then have its effects on Universities, Community Colleges, and Certificate Programs. They are going to call on the experts to help teach classes for our future pharmacists of tomorrow. This will increase enrollment which helps the local economy as well. Purchasing Marijuana and paying a proposed Marijuana Tax would mean having more money to pend on important problems, if only it were legal. Some of the most expensive weed is grown indoors on the west coast using advanced scientific techniques, but the American heartlands account for the largest volume of it. Some statistics suggest 3 million Americans grow marijuana for their own use or for a freinds, and between 100,000 and 200,000 are belie ved to be doing it for a living. We are also being invaded by Mexican drug cartels that are growing marijuana from Humboldt County to Keokuk, Iowa. and no state, or national forest, is exempt from the invasion. The cartels are so sophisticated and well- funded that they don’t just stop at growing massive amounts of pot outdoors, they have also been setting up indoor grows from coast to coast that produce massive amounts of the popular herb. They achieve this by purchasing houses and putting their Mexican nationals in them, posing as normal families and â€Å"blow-up†all the room with indoor grow systems that yield surprising amounts of the billion dollar drug. The government admits they cannot control or keep up with them. These cartels do not help grow our US economy. They only help the drug lords in Mexico get rich and live like kings and laugh as they use our American land, people and government. To bust one of their numerous grows, at the most means we can expect to jail some poor Mexican nationals to which we will then support with our tax dollars. The future only promises more massive crops and profits going to the cartels, and not in the pocket of the Untied States. Profit will never leave them and they will never leave, if the U. S. does not legalize pot which will make the price plummet and that will take away the cartels profits. The reason they do so well here, is because we have created an atmosphere they can thrive in. We jail some of their workers and then we support them in jail. We get nothing out of the deal, and people here who want to smoke pot will. , but our government doesn’t get the money, the drug dealers do. We need to redirect our focus on marijuana and decriminalize what a majority of Americans want. If we took back our national forests and neighborhoods and stopped the Mexican cartel’s economic invasion of our country, we would be not high on pot as much as we would be higher in economical status. Canada, our neighbor to the north, is slowly but surly moving toward the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is just months away from being decriminalized in Canada. This would mean the US government has two choices. Spend more money to fight the flood of marijuana that would be coming over the Canada US boarder or take the steps to decriminalize then legalize marijuana so the money saved from the war on drugs could be better used on our economy and not on this useless war on drugs. The medical benifit of marijuana includes good pain killing relief, reduction of pressure on the eyes for glaucoma sufferers, help with nausea in cancer patients from kemo therapy, and it helps restore an appitite in people who have lost weight from AIDS. The White House first declared the war on drugs 35years ago, and three hundred billion dollars up until now we have no victory but worse still, we have economic hardships up and coming fast on the rise. When will it be about time, to stop being so hypocritical because we all know alcohol and tobacco kill lots of people each year, but there is no evidence anyone ever died of a weed overdose. Legalization of marijuana would save law enforcement and the judicial system somewhere around 9 billion dollars a year off marijuana arrests. On harmful tax alone the government would raise between 2 and 6. billion dollars. If marijuana were legalized it would become the new cash crop in the USA,. If we brought in an estimated 2, 200-4,400 tons of marijuana to be grown commercially, the tobacco companies would have a serious competitor. Why should the international illegal drug business make as much as $400 billion in trade, which amounts to 8% of all international trade, while our economy weeps a nd our people pay for and smoke the weed anyway, no matter where it comes from. Let Hemp make the US huge amounts of money and help the environment too, if only.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Glass Menagerie Essays: Symbols :: The Glass Menagerie
Symbols in The Glass Menagerie In the play, The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams, Williams uses many symbols which represent many different things. Many of the symbols used in the play try to symbolize some form of escape or difference between reality and illusion. The first symbol, presented in the first scene, is the fire escape. This represents the "bridge" between the illusory world of the Wingfields and the world of reality. This "bridge" seems to be a one way excursion. But the direction varies for each character. For Tom, the fire escape is the way out of the world of Amanda and Laura and an entrance into a world of new dimensions. For Laura, the fire escape is a way into her own world. A way to escape from reality. Amanda perceives the fire escape as a way for gentlemen callers to enter their lives. She is also trying to escape her own vacant life. Our author, Tennessee Williams utilizes the fire escape as a literal exit from his own reality as well. His wa y of escaping is through the play. In Tom's opening speech, he says, "I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion." This quote refers to Williams' own life told through the play. Everyone in the play seeks haven from their lives, attempting to escape into an imaginary fallacy world. In "The Glass Menagerie," Williams' fire escape portrays each of the character's need to use the fire escape as a literal exit from their own reality.    The Glass Menagerie is set in the apartment of the Wingfield family. By description, it is a cramped place located in the city of St. Louis. It is one of many apartments in the neighborhood. Of the Wingfield family members, none like living in the apartment. The only reason that traps them in their submissive dwelling is poverty. The concept of escaping their own lives and retreating into an illusion world has entered each of the character's minds.  Escaping from this lifestyle, this apartment, and these relationships is a significant theme throughout the play. These escapes are linked with the symbolic "fire escape" as well as the absent Mr. Wingfield.    Mr. Wingfield left his family for a life on the road. "He worked for the telephone company and fell in love with long distances." This action left Tom with all of the responsibilities in the family including taking care of his half-mad, overbearing mother, Amanda and a disabled sister, Laura.
Monday, November 11, 2019
One Tongue, Brotherhood and Equality
One Tongue, Brotherhood and Equality Language plays a vital role in shaping and constructing any society, community and also country. Not every country around the world has the same language, but English is considered as the most used international language. That is why in countries where English is not their national language, it is taught as a second language. English is so diverse and developed that, even within English speaking countries, there are sometimes more than a few hundred ways the same English is spoken: different states in the United States use different vocabulary to describe the same things, they have their own different accents and their own phrases and idioms. This is where the various conflicts start taking place: This having diversity within the same language within a country creates a big gap between people from different regions. How can the residents of a country stand united in better or worse if within the same country the residents cannot even agree upon speaking one language in one particular dialect? Having one official language is like a bridge way between people from different nations, colors, ethnicities, and it tells that in spite of all the difference that there is among these people one thing is really common among them: The way they speak. It creates an invisible bond between these people and binds them in the tie of brotherhood. This is exactly what Kawame Appiah talks about in his essay â€Å"The Primacy of Practice†, when he mentions â€Å"cosmopolitanism. †Accepting different nations from around the world and within one’s own country with their variations and differences is what true cosmopolitanism is all about. English is a very diverse and lucid language which has derived numerous words from Sanskrit, Arabic, Spanish, French, German and many others. Leslie Savan in her essay â€Å"What’s Black, Then White and Said All Over†points out how â€Å"Black English†plays a major role in forming English. But even though Black English is so influential in forming the modern English that we speak today, it is not above criticism. Black English is mostly considered â€Å"ghetto†and an unsophisticated way of regular English. This division between languages creates gaps between communities of people within the same country which leads to one group of people feeling inferior to the others. This division and difference can only be solved if there was an official language that everybody speaks in. This will not only solve the problems that arise because of differences between various groups of people but will also create a tighter bond between everyone. And since United States is such a big country with a high population, it is necessary for this country to have a declared official language. Known as â€Å"the country of opportunities†and â€Å"the center of melting pot†United States is the home to millions of immigrants. Some of these immigrants do not speak English, but are still leading their lives here. Not knowing English proves to be a barrier for them and they face the difficulty of leading life without knowing it almost everyday. Since English is the de facto language of the United States, it is English that is mostly used as the most common way of conversation. Besides, all the official documentation, legal paper, bills and important papers are all written in English. This comes off as a great barrier for people who do not speak English or are not fluent in it. They always need an interpreter to explain things to them. This interpreter is often their neighbor, or a relative who knows English, or their school going children who know English. It not only makes things more problematic than they have to be, but also wastes time and energy on both sides. Even though translation in Spanish and Creole are usually given with a lot of official documentations now-a-days, it does not solve the bigger problems in the picture. Not knowing English limits people from communicating freely and openly; it hinders them from interacting and limits life choices for them. Since English is world popular and considered to be the international language, its value and importance is felt almost everywhere in the world and its impact can be seen in many people’s lives. For people living in the United States and other English speaking countries, its importance is felt at a higher rate than it is in other countries. Lives are really not so simple for people who do not know English in spite of living in America. One drawback of it is that, without knowing English hardly anyone in the United States can land on a white-collar job. No job or work is considered to be lower than the other and is as respectful as the profession of a doctor or teacher, but it is common for most people to wish to have a white-collar job and be in a real office. (And today’s society is set in a way which makes people feel that way. ) To be factual, not having some kind of intellectual job limits people from improvising their lives. They feel that they could provide better for their children and themselves if they were something other than non-English speaking miners or laborers. Besides a lot of people who used to have high-collar jobs in their native countries and live in the United States but do not know English go through mental depression when they find out they need to do â€Å"odd jobs†to take care of their families. This is when they give up and do not even try learning English thinking it is never going to be worth it and that it is too hard. Besides they think that, since America is such a multi-cultured country with diversity in people, ethnicities and (in this case most importantly) languages, they will not have trouble leading their lives. Not knowing English might be a barrier to them sometimes, but it is also true that, this definitely does not stop their lives. Even than there are a lot of things missing from their lives: The feeling of loss at knowing that they could provide a better future for their children if they had known English and got a better job; the feeling of being a burden on someone for relying upon them to translate for them; or feeling like a handicap at a social gathering where most people are speaking English and that they cannot participate, are some things that nobody wants in their lives. But in case English was declared to be the official language of the United States, these non-English speakers would be bound to learn it no matter what. As a result in the long run, all the above mentioned problems would be solved. Even if it might be hard for them in the beginning and seem like an extra botheration, eventually it will proof to be beneficiary for them. This will not only solve social problems but will fix a lot of the national problems too. Unlike a lot of countries around the world, United States government wants all its residents to participate in civics and politics. Residents who participate in working for the betterment of their country, who participate in general discussion about their country’s future are assets for the country. Residents, who know what is going on in the politics; who know about not just their rights, but also about duties towards their country are what makes the country run smoothly and helps it flourish. But for a lot of people not knowing English s stopping them from civics participation and they think there is no real need to learn English anyway. If English was the declared official language, no matter how hard anyone finds it, they will need to learn it if they wanted to live in the United States. It might seem unfair towards them since, â€Å"we have shared horizons of meaning, because these are debates between people who share so many other values and so much else in the way of belief and of habit, that they are as sharp and as painful as they are. †(Appiah 70). It is natural to feel one’s own way of speaking and native language is superior to any other languages. And logically speaking if any language was chosen as the official language for America, it would be English. But due to this people who speak other languages and not English will automatically feel left out and deprived. They might even feel that since they are the minority group, the American government does not really care about their emotions. But if they knew English and participated in civics they will find out that, they are benefitted more than the government. A lot of frauds, cheatings, money laundering, identity theft, property loss and crimes of other sorts take place with people who cannot communicate properly. For not knowing English, a lot of the people do not know about their rights, the benefits that they can get from their country and states or how to seek help in the time of need. Due to that, when immigrants become the victims of crimes, knowing proper English is often the case that could have helped prevent the crime. This is a vital reason why a country needs to have a declared official language which everybody will be obliged to learn. It is more beneficial towards the residents than it is for the government. Language is very changeable. It does take a lot of time to change a language which has been established as a well developed grammatical form of communication, (such as English) and also for such a long period of time. But changes do occur and these changes are within most people’s viewpoints only if they are willing to see. Looking at the different states within the United States, listening to the diverse way of people expressing their thoughts using totally different vocabulary is just a small way of showing that a language can even alter within its own territorial boundary. One word which is common to one particular state becomes foreign to another state and â€Å"Origins tend to get lost in the roaring mainstream. †(Savan 368). But not all changes are for the betterment of people. Language is like an identity which binds age old traditions and speaks of a country’s history. It is a way to hold up uniqueness of one’s own country. For example, Bangladesh had its war of liberation that was mainly based on its language movement. The people of Bangladesh could not tolerate when the Pakistani government tried to force Bangladeshi people to give up their national and mother language Bengali and make Urdu their declared national language. But this hurt the Bangladeshi people’s feelings: they did not want to give up their freedom, because to them their country’s language was a symbol of freedom and identity, which to many people are the biggest and most valuable assets. Now-a-days, a lot of English words are lost with the pace of time but this language is the symbol of freedom, virtue and of American dream, unity and nationalism, like the language Bengali is to the Bangladeshis. To hold the uniqueness of the American history, to stick with its age old liberty and freedom, it is important to make English, which was the founding fathers’ language, make the official national language of the United States. United States of America has been thriving with its mixed cultures, millions of different races and ethnicities from all around the world and hundreds of different languages. But in spite of thriving economically and politically there seems to be a difference that is too obvious to go unnoticed. This difference can be less of a discrimination if there was one language everybody used. It will make people think equally of each other since â€Å"there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus [. ]†(Appiah 58) and help them realize that even if there are such drastic differences in the way of lives of most people they are really not so different from each other after all.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Jesus Christ Essay
Hate is one of the human’s feelings. It is a complex subject to study its reasons, causes and consequences. Broadly saying hate in this or that manifestation is one of the reasons of the majority of the violent crimes. Hate is used as an ideological background for a number of violent acts ranging from the street and terrorist attacks to full scale wars. Hate may be either justified in this or that way or it may be impulsive, based on the race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin. In the first case when the hate is caused by the unjust treatment it may be defined as rational, in the second one it is irrational (John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, 2003). One of the most significant examples of the hate group is Aryan Nations. Aryan Nations is a typical hate organization promoting the white race supremacy. It is the political arm of the †White Identity Church of Jesus Christ-Christian,†long led by Richard Butler. The movement promotes the heresy known as †Christian Identity. †(Apologetics Index, 2006). The ideological background of the Aryan Nations is anti-Semitism. Paramilitary hate group Aryan Nations was founded in the mid-1970s by Rev. Richard Girnt Butler, now 77 years old. It was formed around Butler’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian, one of the several hundred churches affiliated with â€Å"Identity,†a pseudo-theological hate movement. Identity doctrine maintains that Anglo-Saxons, not Jews, are the Biblical â€Å"chosen people,†that non-whites are â€Å"mud people†on the level of animals, and that Jews are â€Å"children of Satan. †(The Nizkor Project, 2006). The anti-Semitism has been of the main hate ideologies since the biblical times. It was utilized by the worst human hating regimes, the most vivid examples of which were the Fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. The anti-Semitism doctrine as an ideology compromised itself in the 20th century. Aryan Nations militantly advocates anti-Semitism and the establishment of a white racist state. A statement of beliefs on the Aryan Nations Web site declares: â€Å"The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and purity of our race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called ‘chosen and faithful. ‘†(Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 2006). In their â€Å"Declaration of Independence†the ideologists of the Aryan Nations declare threat to the white Americans from the federal government which pursues the interests of the Jewish rulers. The ideologists of the Aryan Nations state that only the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Celtic peoples are the descendants of biblical Adam and the rest are the descendants of Cain and they are the results of the Eve’s original sin. The Aryan Nations leaders identify the Jews as the main threat to the white race. This movement could be considered as political and a religious movement. This is one of the causes of the extreme danger of Aryan Nations. Violence is declared by the leaders of the group. The motto of the group as indicated in its web site is â€Å"Violence Solves Everything! †. Still the original biblical part of the ideology of the Aryan Nation has been completely confused because the calls for violence became the dominating ones. The ideologies of Aryan Nations declaring their Christian origin try to support their violent call with the Muslim militant motto â€Å"Allahu Akbar! †(http://www. aryan-nations. org/) thus bringing complete confusion into their ideological basis. According to Aryan Nations â€Å"That VIOLENCE â€Å"IS†THE ONLY SOLUTION! You can no longer look toward local, state or federal law enforcement authorities to protect you, your families or your interests from these invaders†(Aryan Nations web site, 2006). The â€Å"Christian†identity of Aryan Nations was expressed by the leader of the group August Kreis in his comments on the 9/11 attacks and his attitude towards Al-Qaeda, â€Å"†You say they’re terrorists, I say they’re freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples’ heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah. †(Henry Schuster, March 29, 2005). Such sayings put off the religious part from the Aryan Nations ideology leaving the extremist one. Terror unites the â€Å"proponents†of some special â€Å"violent†Christianity and Mohammedanism. In fact the only things which may unite both groups are the hate, extremism and terror which they share as basic of their ideologies. In fact, Aryan Nations have a lot of common features with the extremist Muslim groups. They share the same anti-Semitism, they accept the same terror methods and they lack any constructive ideology. They both base their activity on the hate which is destructive in its nature. The numerous hate groups whose ideologies are based on the irrational hatred can hardly find any serious political support in such democratic and a multinational country as the United States. As for the connections of the hate groups with the Muslim extremists, they are not new. During the WWII the leader of the German Nazis Adolph Hitler tried to find the connections with the Muslim extremists. Moreover, some Nazis found refuge in Egypt and Syria after WWII. At the same time it is too early to speak about the real alliance between Neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists. Most likely the leaders of Aryan Nations express their desire to create such an alliance and it proves the ultimate danger of the group. â€Å"Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that while some U. S. extremists applauded the September 11 attacks, there is no indication of such an alliance  at least not yet, and not on a large scale. If it exists anywhere, he said, it is in the mind (and the Internet postings) of August Kreis. †(Henry Schuster, 2005). At the same time the Aryan Nations desire to link to the most dangerous terrorist organization confirms the fact that Aryan Nations may become the serious threat to the national security of the United States. Bibliography John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, The seven-stage hate model: The psychopathology of hate groups, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin/March 1, 2003, available at http://www. rickross. com/reference/hate_groups/hategroups355. html, retrieved 06. 12. 2006
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Livia Drusilla the 1st Empress of Rome
Livia Drusilla the 1st Empress of Rome Livia (58 B.C. - A.D.29) was a long-lived, influential matriarchal figure in the early years of the Roman Principate. She was held up as an example of womanly virtue and simplicity. Her reputation has also been negative: she may have been a murderer and has been described as treacherous, avaricious, and power-hungry. She may have been instrumental in the banishment of Augustus daughter, Julia. Livia was the wife of the first Roman emperor, Augustus, mother of the second, Tiberius, and deified by her grandson, the Emperor Claudius. Livias Family and Marriages Livia Drusilla was the daughter of Marcus Livius Drusus Claudius (note the Claudian, the gens that had produced Appius Claudius the Blind and the colorful Clodius the Beautiful, among others) and Alfidia, daughter of M. Alfidius Lurco, in c. 61 B.C. In his book, Anthony Barrett says Alfidia appears to have come from Fundi, in Latium, near Campania, and that Marcus Livius Drusus may have married her for her familys money. Livia Drusilla may have been an only child. Her father may also have adopted Marcus Livius Drusus Libo (consul in 15 B.C.). Livia married Tiberius Claudius Nero, her cousin when she was 15 or 16- around the time of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. Livia was already the mother of the future emperor, Tiberius Claudius Nero, and pregnant with Nero Claudius Drusus (January 14, 38 B.C. - 9 B.C.) when Octavian, who would be known to posterity as the Emperor Augustus Caesar, found he needed the political connections of Livias family. He arranged for Livia to be divorced and then married her after she gave birth to Drusus, on January 17, 38. Livias sons Drusus and Tiberius lived with their father until he died, in 33 B.C. They then lived with Livia and Augustus. Augustus Adopts Livias Son Octavian became the Emperor Augustus in 27 B.C. He honored Livia as his wife with statues and public displays; however, instead of naming her sons Drusus or Tiberius as his heirs, he acknowledged his grandchildren Gaius and Lucius, sons of Julia, his daughter by his previous marriage to Scribonia. By 4 A.D., Augustus grandsons had both died, so he had to look elsewhere for heirs. He wanted to name Germanicus, son of Livias son Drusus, as his successor, but Germanicus was too young. Since Tiberius was Livias favorite, Augustus eventually turned to him, with provision made for Tiberius to adopt Germanicus as his heir. Augustus died in 14 A.D. According to his will, Livia became a part of his family and was entitled to be called Julia Augusta from then on. Livia andHer Descendants Julia Augusta exerted a strong influence on her son Tiberius. In A.D. 20, Julia Augusta interceded successfully with Tiberius on behalf of her friend Plancina, who was implicated in the poisoning of Germanicus. In A.D. 22 he minted coins showing his mother as the personification of Justice, Piety, and Health (Salus). Their relationship deteriorated and after the Emperor Tiberius left Rome, he would not even return for her funeral in 29 A.D., so Caligula stepped in. Livias grandson the Emperor Claudius had the Senate deify his grandmother in A.D. 41. Commemorating this event, Claudius minted a coin depicting Livia (Diva Augusta) on a throne holding a scepter. Source Larry Kreitzer Apotheosis of the Roman Emperor Larry Kreitzer The Biblical Archaeologist, 1990Alice A. Deckman Livia Augusta The Classical Weekly, 1925.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Case Study Of One-Peter Mitchell Samples
Chronic health conditions are multifactorial in nature and the care process by nurse must involve the clinical and patient needs. The treatment outcomes are affected by multiple factors and the nurse must be aware of different factors affecting the patient’s health (Helgeson & Zajdel, 2017). The essay deals with the case study of Peter Mitchell are a 52 year old male with morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes. The aim of the essay is to prioritize the patient needs for care integrating the different aspects of patient needs. Prioritization refers to use of clinical reasoning and decision making skills to design care process that can avoid adverse outcomes (Urden, Stacy & Lough, 2015). In reference to the chronic condition presented in the case study, the essay will identify and discuss two priorities of care while applying the clinical reasoning cycle by Levett-Jones. It is a non-linear process to analyse the series of contributing and predisposing factors. It helps develop goal driven patient care (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015). The clinical reasoning cycle involves eight stages, where the first stage is â€Å"consideration of patient’s situation†(Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015). In the given case study Peter, 52 year old male is admitted to the medical ward with morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes. The patient is presented with the poorly controlled diabetes, obesity ventilation syndrome and sleep apnoea. The second stage of the clinical reasoning cycle is â€Å"collection of cues and information†. In this stage the patient’s current information is reviewed using case history, previous assessment and new information is collected through further assessment (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015).  The patient history shows obesity and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea and depression. The patient also has history of gastro oeasophageal disease reflux and smoking (for 30 years). The patient was previously on high protein diet to reduce weight. Peter had difficulty copi ng with the weight loss. He was instructed for light exercises by his physiotherapist. As per the patient social history, he lost his job due to insulin therapy. His weight gain, obesity and diabetes interfered with his occupations and that added to his fatigue and other health issues. Overweight is also interfering with his activities of daily living, and may have increased risk of apnoea. It added to socially isolation. He lives alone and lacks emotional support, which may also be the cause of stress and poor health. However, the patient is motivated to quit smoking and lose weight with appropriate supervision.  The patient’s assessment results showed BP 180/92mmHg, height 170cms, Weight 145kgs, HR 102 Bpm, Sp02 95% on RA, RR 23 Bpm. The handover informs different medications for abnormal vital signs and diabetes. The untreated condition may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and other comorbidities (Koolhaas et al., 2017).   An important part of clinical reasoning cycle refers to â€Å"processing of information†. It involves interpreting the information, relating with the clinical knowledge to prioritize care (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015). It will better help to prioritize the care.  The weight and height of the patient indicates a BMI of 50.2, which much greater than the normal range of 30, indicating obesity (Mark & Somers, 2016). Obesity is associated with ventilation syndrome and sleep apnoea. It may be the cause of upper airway obstruction that is causing the episodes of shallow breathing, when sleeping. Smoking also results in airway obstruction and apnoea (Krishnan et al., 2014). The patent may be immediately provided with oxygen. It may increase the risk of further health deterioration. Hypertension may be due to high blood pressure and increased heart rate. If untreated it may worsen diabetes as the patient is obese, which also influences blood pressure (Heymsfield & Wadden, 2 017). Increase in respiratory rate, blood pressure, high glucose level may increase the risk of heart failure or collapsibility of pharyngeal tract. Excess adipose tissue restricts the movement of diaphragm and that of chest muscles (Mark & Somers, 2016). Altogether it may affect the inhalation, exhalation as well as heart rate. It is essential to reduce weight of the patient as fatty tissue in excess amount may increase vascular resistance. Diabetes also increases blood pressure and hypertension by predisposing arteries to arthrosclerosis. It may increase the risk of kidney failure, stroke and other health issues (Cheung & Li, 2012). Social isolation and smoking may further increase the risk of anxiety and depression (Choi & DiNitto, 2014). The main problem or health issue of the patient can be identified by synthesizing facts and inferences (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015). The main health issue of the patient, from the above analysis, is clearly obesity and diabetes as they are linked with all the other presenting sign and symptoms.  The adverse symptoms such as hypertension, high blood glucose level, diaphoresis, or abnormal seating are common in obesity and uncontrolled diabetes. Obesity increases insulin production for compensating high glucose level. It increases the type 2 diabetes and sequentially appetite, weight gain. Diabetes is also associated with shakiness and diaphoresis. Unusual sweating or diaphoresis is common symptom in overweight and obese individual. Hypertension is also observed in both obesity and diabetes people but the later has greater influence on the hypertension (Heymsfield & Wadden, 2017). Therefore, the signs and symptoms are common in both diseases like a cyclical pathway. Interventi on is immediately required to decrease obesity and control diabetes. It will consequently improve his activities of daily living and social life. Applying clinical reasoning cycle, establishment of goals that will yield desired health outcomes in the patient is important part of care process (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015).  The two priorities for nursing care is reduction in weight and control the blood glucose level. I will do this by developing comprehensive nursing care plan that is patient centered and evidenced based. Taking action based on evidence will ensure positive health outcomes as per clinical reasoning cycle (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015). To fulfill the first priority of reducing the weight of Peter, a realistic weight reduction plan will be formulated, along with appetite reduction and diet plan. It will be initiated on collaboration with dietician. Peter will be given a weekly weight loss protocol. The diet plan will include high protein and low fat consumption.  The patient will be monitored for ignoring the signals of hunger or track any distortion. The rational for this lifestyle intervention is decrease in hypertension and cholesterol with protein intake. A weight loss by ten kg may have positive impact on the cholesterol and blood pressure as per Nanditha et al., (2016). Further physical activity is essential for overweight individual. It will help reduce weight every month and enhance the metabolic rate.  The patient may be recommended for aerobics as it puts lest press ure on joints. Swimming is also considered better than jogging and walking. Involving in physical activity for 30 minutes for five days in a week will help the body mange sugar level by improving sensitivity to insulin (Koolhaas et al., 2017).  The patient will be supported with education to encourage him to lose weight. Peter will be educated about healthy diet and need of high protein consumption in present condition. To patient may be administered with the anti-obesity medication. Orlistat is another affective medicine for BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 in decreasing the absorption of dietary fat by 30%. It will help reduce weight and associated complications. It may include glycosidase inhibitors, metaformin or insulin therapy (Bedhiafi et al., 2018). The pharmacological interventions will be initiated by collaborating with the general physician attending Peter. To control the glucose level, which is the second nursing priority metaformin may be continued as it was previously administered. Further blood pressure can be controlled by administering metaprolol (Yang et al., 2018). Medication will be administered as per the instructed dosage. Patient education is also important to self monitor glucose and for self-management of complications due to obesity and diabetes. The patient will be educated to cope up with the mental health concerns associated with weight loss program. The patient may be encouraged to stop smoking as it elevates blood sugar in diabetes patients. Referring to cognitive behavioural therapist may be effective to help Peter manage stress due to lifestyle interventions specially Smoking cessation. Further, the effect of smoking on his respiratory efficiency and Heart rate will be explained. It will relive him of fatigue (Lycett et al., 2015). The rationale for educational intervention is to encourage client in adopting h ealthy behaviour. The effectiveness of the outcomes must be evaluated as per the knowledge of clinical reasoning cycle (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015).  The patient’s weight will be monitored daily. It is important to assess his understanding of the illness and treatment procedure to ensure compliance. The patient’s vital signs will be assessd to rule of any side effects of medications and modified diet. The patient will be monitored for deviations in exercise, nutrition and diet recommendations. The client is expected to demonstrate reducing weight as per plan and healthy eating. The patient is expected to self monitor glucose and show high self esteem in coping with complications. It is also important to assess for hyperglycemia condition (American Diabetes Association, 2015). Reflection on the care process is the last stage of the clinical reasoning cycle that involves contemplating on the caring and learning process (Dalton, Gee & Levett-Jones, 2015). It may be difficult for client to adhere to dietary recommendations in initial phase of treatment as he lacks emotional support. The patient also has low self esteem due to poor body image. To address the challenges I will engage client in motivational therapy and group discussions to promote social connectedness (Harvey, 2015). Further, challenges will be identified to prioritize future action. The essay helped learn ways to identify patient health issue and prioritize care for Peter using clinical reasoning cycle. Identification of health issues assisted in prioritizing care. The tool helped in collecting and analyzing the clinical information. Analysis facilitated the understanding of factors underlying the Peter’s health’s complications. Prioritizing the care guided the development of adequate nursing interventions. The interventions to reduce weight and control glucose level in patient are based on evidence. It will help to address the priority issues and promote the patient health. American Diabetes Association. (2015). 3. Initial evaluation and diabetes management planning. Diabetes Care, 38(Supplement 1), S17-S19. Cheung, B. M., & Li, C. (2012). Diabetes and hypertension: is there a common metabolic pathway?. Current atherosclerosis reports, 14(2), 160-166. Choi, N. G., & DiNitto, D. M. (2014). Role of new diagnosis, social isolation, and depression in older adults’ smoking cessation. The Gerontologist, 55(5), 793-801. Dalton, L., Gee, T., & Levett-Jones, T. (2015). Using clinical reasoning and simulation-based education to'flip'the Enrolled Nurse curriculum. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing , The, 33(2), 29. Harvey, J. N. (2015). Psychosocial interventions for the diabetic patient. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy, 8, 29. Helgeson, V. S., & Zajdel, M. (2017). Adjusting to chronic health conditions. Annual review of psychology, 68, 545-571. Heymsfield, S. B., & Wadden, T. A. (2017). Mechanisms, pathophysiology, and management of obesity. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(3), 254-266. Koolhaas, C. M., Dhana, K., Schoufour, J. D., Ikram, M. A., Kavousi, M., & Franco, O. H. (2017). Impact of physical activity on the association of overweight and obesity with cardiovascular disease: The Rotterdam Study. European journal of preventive cardiology, 24(9), 934-941. Krishnan, V., Dixon-Williams, S., & Thornton, J. D. (2014). Where there is smoke†¦ there is sleep apnea: exploring the relationship between smoking and sleep apnea. Chest, 146(6), 1673-1680. Lycett, D., Nichols, L., Ryan, R., Farley, A., Roalfe, A., Mohammed, M. A., ... & Aveyard, P. (2015). The association between smoking cessation and glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a THIN database cohort study. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(6), 423-430. Mark, A. L., & Somers, V. K. (2016). Obesity, hypoxemia, and hypertension: mechanistic insights and therapeutic implications. Hypertension, 68(1), 24-26. Nanditha, A., Snehalatha, C., Ram, J., Selvam, S., Vijaya, L., Shetty, S. A., ... & Ramachandran, A. (2016). Impact of lifestyle intervention in primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes did not differ by baseline age and BMI among Asian?Indian people with impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetic Medicine, 33(12), 1700-1704. Urden, L. D., Stacy, K. M., & Lough, M. E. (2015). Priorities in critical care nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences. Yang, T., Hao, Y., Zhou, S., Jiang, Y., Xu, X., Qu, B., ... & Liu, W. (2018). GW26-e0732 Superior Dynamic Heart Rate Control and Non-Inferior Blood Pressure Control with Bisoprolol vs Metoprolol Sustained Release Tablet in Mild-to-Moderate Hypertension: CREATIVE Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66(16 Supplement), C202.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Human Resource Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Human Resource Management - Term Paper Example The organization chosen for the study will be IBM. Performance Management performance management can be described as a human resource strategy, which covers non-job precise behaviors such as ‘cooperation’ ‘dedication’ ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘persistence’ and is differentiated from task performance covering job-specific behaviors (Borman and Motowidlo 71-98). As Fletcher (91) mentions, contextual performance is concerned with the attributes which set off further than task proficiency and that encourage behaviors that boost the efficiency of the organization. Hence performance is regarded as behavior, in which the organizations, teams and individuals execute their work. Campbell (690-710) suggests that performance is such a behavior that needs to be differentiated from the results. An additional broader analysis of performance is attained if it is described as taking up both behavior and outcomes. Performance management can be a factor impa cting behaviors and results together. Behaviors originate from the performer and alter performance from idea to action. Performance management can be described as an important practice that concerns with overall attitude of the employees towards the organization. It replicates the perspective one has for performance and it contains secondary procedures like: policy description, plan implementation, training and performance measurement. Consequently performance measurement is a secondary procedure of performance management which is the focal point of classification and communique of performance outcomes determined by performance beacons. Performance management is concerned with the action taken based on the results whilst performance measurement deals with evaluation of results, at the same time as performance management is related with taking action depending on the outcomes of the assessment and making certain that the objective outcomes are accomplished. Performance management can also be characterized as being associated with a â€Å"future orientation†based on the inputs and output exerted an organization or individual. Performance management is becoming an important aspect of the organizations to manage the performance of their employees and keep them motivated for the achievement of their goals resulting in the achievement of overall organizational goals (Brumback 168-170). It can be seen that there is major difference between the performance management practices in private and public sector organizations in most parts of the world but nevertheless it is important for every organization to continuously improve their practices because these practices have a greater influence on the motivation of the employees. These differences in practice are subject to the working and control system being implemented in different sectors. Finally, it is the need of the hour for the organization, to keep their employees motivated intrinsically through the perform ance management practices because in this downturn economic time, it is getting important for the organizations to motivate employees other than extrinsic factors. Critical incident method is used by the current organization for the
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