Friday, May 22, 2020
Argumentative Essay The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, most often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks. In South Carolina, abortion is legal which causes an ongoing controversy between those who agree and disagree. This is a sensitive subject that can get very heated. Pregnant women will argue that abortion is okay because a fetus does not feel pain, I totally disagree. There are certain circumstances that I understand why an abortion may be needed. Situations like emergency medical problems with the mother or baby could be a legit reason for an abortion One reason abortion is wrong is because you are not giving your baby the right to life. Your baby was not asked to be born, you made the selfish choice to conceive†¦show more content†¦In this case, mothers should consider giving a women who cannot conceive, the opportunity to be a mother. The adoptive parents would be appreciative of getting the chance to be parents and giving your child the life that you could not give them. I believe that this would be the better option because your giving the joy of life to others who will appreciate it. Women argue that abortion is not bad because a fetus does not feel pain, but this is wrong because studies have been shown to prove that fetus’s indeed do experience pain. Bernard N. Nathanson, MD, stated that, when an abortion is performed on a twelve week old fetus, â€Å"We see (in an ultrasound image) the child’s mouth open in a silent scream†¦This is the silent scream of a child threatened imminently with extinction.†With this evidence we can indeed prove that a fetus does experience pain. Many people misconceive the fact that you do have a real human in your stomach, it can feel pain, a fetus is not invincible. Some women try to argue the fact that rape is a good excuse for an abortion, but I still do not agree. A baby did not ask to come in this world just like you did not ask to be raped. Rape is a horrible thing, but I think if you were to get pregnant from rape you should try to make the best of it. That sounds weird, but I believe that in all bad situations there is a blessing. The baby might turn out to be the best thing that ever came into your life. Every baby has aShow MoreRelatedShould Abortion Be Legal?1452 Words  | 6 PagesTravis Lignell Argumentative Essay 04/28/2015 With forty five million abortions per year worldwide, the abortion debate is full of what people consider being right or wrong, or whether deliberately terminating a pregnancy before the birth of the child is in essence, murder. (6) Abortion is an extremely painful topic for both men and women who have put themselves in the situation of whether or not to end a pregnancy. 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